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Explore. Mess up. Have fun.

Popular Songs In The Key of Dm

Improvise in D minor with the best


Here is a list of songs that are all in the key of D minor...


Popular Songs In The Key of Am

Improvise in A minor with the best


Here is a list of songs that are all in the key of A minor...


Popular Songs In 9/8 Time

Improvise in the time signature of 9/8 with the best


Here is a list of songs that are all in the time signature of 9/8...

Popular Songs In 7/8 Time

Improvise in the time signature of 7/8 with the best


Here is a list of songs that are all in the time signature of 7/8...

Popular Songs In 6/8 Time

Improvise in the time signature of 6/8 with the best


Here is a list of songs that are all in the time signature of 6/8...


Popular Songs In 3/4 Time

Improvise in the time signature of 3/4 with the best


Here is a list of songs that are all in the time signature of 3/4...


Popular Songs In 5/8 Time

Improvise in the time signature of 5/8 with the best


Here is a list of songs that are all in the time signature of 5/8...

Popular Songs In 2/4 Time

Improvise in the time signature of 2/4 with the best


Here is a list of songs that are all in the time signature of 2/4...


Piano cover and tutorial for Begin Again (Kendra Dantes)

How to play "Begin Again" on piano, originally by Taylor Swift


Here is the MIDI file and cover to play this awesome song like Kendra...

Piano cover and tutorial for Love Me Back (Kendra Dantes)

How to play "Love Me Back" on piano


Here is the MIDI file and tutorial to play this awesome song like Kendra...

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