How to find unique chords (reharmonize) for songs, using "Aura Lee" (also known as "Love Me Tender") as an example.
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Not quite, but nice try, Watson: I illustrated thing I see how it goes I don't see a place to a give you the link right now if you're on the website of course then you can you can see the link but I don't see a place where I can comment on my own video on Facebook. So anyway I'm looking for a link if you go to learn can in that it's good to blog and select advice and lessens the first one should say freak analysts and how to re harmonize use cool chords songs I like Love Me tender so then you peel download the PDF for this thing but anyway this being my first you to live video which I think I'm probably legally obligated to say based on what I've watched in other videos always gotta say this is my first Facebook live video I hope you all enjoy it. Then the. Yeah I don't know how to get that that link in there. We see. Nope. No such luck maybe I can go in as a guest. A pace that Lincoln for you in case you want to follow along on your own. It's anywhere jaman caller is live. Every go up a little awesome. So then I wanna comment here and. First comment. From learn piano I've they go this the link for the the PDF so hopefully that will I'm help and that was just been this thing is going to be or a lead not Love Me tender which is the same exact song but of course I would never do a cover of a song it was copyrighted just on this one here's so orally goes something like this I'm. You and. We go this is going to be. All new chords that I haven't yet tried and we tried in here for the first time with you and telling you how I'm coming up with the new chords and this might end up terrible in which case I'm hoping that Facebook has an option for deleting videos but our first thing we could do is add in a 25 or 625 or 36. 25 for any of these so I'm I'm can go through here and kind of randomly pick some of them I let's go with that 1 right there and that 1 right there and that 1 right there and that 1 right there some pig and 1 from each line all in different places I guess I didn't pick all the different lenses let's pick that 1 instead. Okay so we're gonna go I 25 for each of these so I I 25 leading into a gene is we get on here that's RG so that would be the 2 that be the 5 into the G. which it would be the 1 hope that makes some sense way up and that that they too would be minor. And the 5 would be dominant Sammy's way to go a minor to D. dominant. G.. So with I just add those chords in just because that's one of the tricks that we can do when we're trying to add chains around the course itself so we do a minor. D. 7 area I now this de right here if that's our one. Okay here if that's the one than the 2 would be this one in the 5 would be this one so I'm gonna go even minor. To a 7. 2 D. because that's the form of a minor 25 as we talk about in several are other. We harmonization covers is that a major to 5 is going to have the structure of minor 7 if that makes any sense of the 7 does make sense than doing about it minor to dominate or 72 major. So minor to 710 major so are 251 into de is going to be E. minor. To a 7. Did the major. So here we go E. minor. I'm really well Hey yeah. I'm gonna get rid of this ad here because really is there a right there so there's no I point having an a and then another aim to save homes go E. minor. This of course might not work at all and can we could do the same thing right here that de is going to show up right there so instead of playing the D. I'm gonna play that a minor instead of the D.. And then the D. 7 right here into the jeep and then over here yikes this one 's gonna be scary I don't don't have much time at all here but they're going from wanting to get into an E. minor and have to go after sharp. Be. T. pretty quickly now the form for a minor to 51 is going to be the first court the 2 eyes gonna be a half diminished or a minor seventh what 5 maybe I've visited both 2 different answers in court and then we would have a the 5 chord would be a dominant chord also known as 7 and of course once we get on to the 1 that's gonna be minor so that's the format for a minor to 51 is the format from major to 51 the tubing minor the 5 being dominant and the 1 being major alright so then what that means we would have have sharp. Have diminished. To be 7 to E. minor is our 251 the leading into E. minor since we're gonna end up playing the beast 7 anyway I'm going to get rid of that be 7 rather be right there in plain stud. F. sharp. Have diminished. B. 17 wider and then who who backed couldn't and something normal here with a a lot of time to get into that G. we're gonna have to start that bad way back here as a minor to D. 7 just like we had up here at the top. So we're gonna steal that same one from before to get into that so now just with adding insult to 5 ones using that circle of fifths and the major or minor pattern for 2 fives meeting the meter pattern being this one down here. The minor pattern being that one right there I had to get into a minor chord or to get into a major chord down here. Just so far what we have is and let me see here a few probably watching to see if there are any. There we go. Thanks. All right so now we have something like mmhm all the same now here comes the a minor to decide in. A minor. 7. 7. 7. See. And. She. All. I don't. A 7. So. The 7. To see. See. Throw in a. OneNote. That. And that in. 7 and. There. To. To a 5. 21 that never. And then this gonna. 5 to one that does have. I eat minor 7 to the AM 87 was going into a D.. But then I took. The out replace it with an a minor 27 to 5 thing into the jeep. So that would be something like this mmhm. A minor. This. See. And. So then. We have it changing the court quality where the melody is not. He's a timely. Accord where the melody is not the. 3 then we could change our that 3 of the court that's currently being played then we can change that accord into whatever the opposite of that is for a minor chord of the major for major chord of the minor. So we could go mmhm rainn we've got it Aidhne the melody is not 3 of the court so go. That means. Boring. The opposite. This. Full court it's. Wrong. Vannatter. Kevin Mitnick. So we get. To. Go E. minor and then just change it into it to E.. Regular there. 7. Then mmhm. Alright so let's hear who's got dead you know answer my commission 7 game minor. The major I would put that in place of that gene. And then we've got. Seeing. We turn turn that into a minor to. Because of that melody. There and the 3 of Missy corn is right there. Okay. So that's gonna see minor. Subs taking again major chords string a minor minor course take a major and seeing what they sound like if I like it I keep it if not throw it out. Uhhuh. Melodies right there sitting on 3 of the court and that's our court rain so we can't really change one minor. Because it would give us. Arnold. I'm afraid this one right here is in the same situation we had the beginning where I could turn that into a minor but that's gonna. More boring since that and a major is really kind of they mustn't think part of that. Gin from. Top. A 7. And that not. After all. Right here I'm Marty plan. And a. I go to the really cool chord of. A 7. So I would from this one right here. To a minor. Because I like the accord quality change from the a major to a minor. Think that sounds cooler. 7. And a. End of changing their. We did one right there. And then we did one right there says to him that he changed into major are turned into the the opposite of what it was already. 2 of them really. Okay. Parent. I wish there were more but that it's already got a lot of funky chords in it so we could to any any funk of flying that we try to do it just made it less cool I'm alright so tritone sub atomic chords this is where things can get hairy here assumption to try a different chords here where I'm I'm play a dominant chord that's any court its major with just the number 7 after silicon D. 7 A. 7 E. flat 7 just a regular old chord with 7 after it not minor and it doesn't say major then I'm gonna play the chord instead that is a tritone away or 6 half steps away so in other words if I were to get to do this one right here that's a D. 7:00 am you know that is 6 have to play 47 is. For 5. A flat so right there and said I'm laying the. 7 right a flat. 7. That might sound horrible but. Only one way to find them. Scully tritone the sub to sing and dominant chord in playing the dominant chord this a tritone away 6 half steps away instead of the original court. As a. Milena mmhm. So that was in me an a 7 a flat 7 sorry. A flat 7 a liner. Uhhuh he. A minor. Let's try that one on because I'm not really one to turn this one into an A. 7. Right here like we we had before so we get rid of that turn that back into that a 7 who were hoping for before. And then this 1 this a 7 we're gonna go for instead of anything go 123456 that's going to be in. Flat 7. Yet did this this might this might not work. E. flat 7 let's see what that sounds like. Uhhuh email. That. Keep it just that I'm really wanna play this a 7 right here would have more a minor to major transitions than we had before so we keep that a 7 it right there we're playing E. flat 7 right there. Which is really a stretch because we. You've got that right there the sun corn is that thing right there elite thing that note right there. That of a stretch but I will try this thing from the top of the list do one more I. At the end let's see here right here we've got a 7 chord right there so let's play the tritone of D. 7 which is. A minor too I mean 1 thing 56 assets away in a flat. Dominant. So now we have mmhm. So. To ease. See mine. To see. Is on. Shooting. Relative minor is. For any me. Court so any time we have for example this is the one that I might use it on. This guy right here this scene it's had a plane to see. You just change the bass note of that I'm a relative minor than the note that is 3 half step lower. Play the note that just 3 half step lower in your left hand and now you have a chord substitution. Legacy major 700. And so then right here instead of playing that see. Plain and. Minor 97 mmhm so that NTTA 92 in a minor the reason I like that when there is that the court before it. This E. 7 really wants to have you take a look at the circle of fifths that E. 7 is really wanting to move. 2 in an a anyway sub bass line is really wanting to move mmhm that day which conveniently is the on the relative minor to see major so I'm anyway that one is in I guess I kind of knew that one. Just as I got that you 7 knowing how I'm going to the moon and the gun a bit the next witness me and then my brains out we relative miners there we can just go to the heart of a minor that so I'm that's not like just a random selection as we've done with the rest of them just kind of randomly choosing cords but that something relative minors for majors is definitely think so that would turn that line into. She. Okay let's try one more of these and then I'm. For the. Can live members live lesson. We did 250 to have tries tone subs let's not do that let's do sauce for and sharp. Yeah let let's do let's dailies do this one so we're gonna go I suffer more and order I sharp for so we're gonna just. Play some chord thing gene accidentally been doing this I'm some throughout this anyway sing any major chord thank. It is a. Often 3 up to 4 mmhm so special. For. Where I. SS. Gene. Again will go here. She says to Jean begin trying other places too I where it's not high. The end of a line so we let's if we try this one right here a sauce to an Hey none of my son oral but be my leg mmhm is pretty will keep that one and then we have a right. A flat when I. To. And a. We did. No a flat. That can't be right. But what was that about. Did we do that. That sounds horrible no I did I would miss wrote something in there. Well that's what the a 7. Private trying to talk and write them down mmhm. Yes you did this one right here they've those who do it quick we could do a 7 saw us. 2 in a 7 man we got a lot of chords right in there so we've got a 7. Assess. To deal. So. A lot of course. And then we. There. We'll suspended on. A 7. To be 76 when. Mmhm. As well. 7 suspended. 7. A minor. And makes it feel like that. Seem minor chord right. In. And the bass neon. Court within. Ngee mine. Day. These men. Deal in. Annual. Where if we. For. Is right up. Somewhere. Did we have one of those who E.. Minor all we did that I'm right here in the second line but then we we distort it with all kinds of other junk in there so yeah so we get that thing back there cases pendant I'm. Then a minor Hey. Let's call that a day for now will he did 4 of the finds Nixon a 9101112 points that were on here but that will get them all eventually and so now aren't new on maybe better maybe worse version of Love Me tender is I'll try to come out first and then I'll play it without claim. I pain minor. Seems. I might. He sat. Set a 7 suspended. A set. To do. She. These. It's these. The. My inner. To eat. But to. See it's. To see. Minor. That's. See. He might. Alright. Try this. There are some. Rules of. I re harmonization. Obviously. Next time I think we just start on. A way forward. We have but anyway if you have other song suggestions of what. You might try next time tree harmonize and then that let me know and I if you are one of the licensing watching this on the site then I call you forget your PDF if not I've you're watching this on Facebook or 7 YouTubers with enough then you can on that there should be a link down below this video where you can download the PDF and the try this on your own you come up with different answers than me each time you do this but anyway there some ideas okay enjoyed it Lisa my comments and tell me how I can improve this way for next time and good luck and.