Drums 2 - Fundamentals

  • Price: $ 99

Table of Contents

1: Listening
2: Finding And Tracking Beats With The Dominant Hand
3: Finding Beat 1
4: Decorating With The Non-Dominant Hand


Who's ready to hit stuff!?  I know I am and we are going to have a blast together!

DRUMS 2 - Fundamentals:
Week 1: Listening
Week 2: Finding And Tracking Beats With The Domininant Hand
Week 3: Finding Beat 1
Week 4: Decorating With The Non-Dominant Hand

This asynchronous class is a perfect fit for learning music because each student can take their own unique amount of time to practice and master the material and still always have the assistance of the teacher through the classroom chat or video submission.  Students have access to the instructor when the lesson is too confusing or boring.
Quiz Status
1: Listening
2: Finding And Tracking Beats With The Dominant Hand
3: Finding Beat 1
4: Decorating With The Non-Dominant Hand