SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Page Rank Instructions

To Do List for Search Engine Optimization and Google page ranking

Monthly For Learn Piano Live:

Top r/podcasting etc questions answers summary video

Search r/MusicTheory and r/Piano and r/Jazz and r/AskMusicians and r/ELI5Music and r/MusicEd and Quora for recent questions to answer with

Search r/MusicTheory and r/Piano and r/Jazz and r/AskMusicians and r/ELI5Music and r/MusicEd and Quora for recent questions to answer with

Search r/MusicTheory and r/Piano and r/Jazz and r/AskMusicians and r/ELI5Music and r/MusicEd and Quora for recent questions to answer with

Search r/MusicTheory and r/Piano and r/Jazz and r/AskMusicians and r/ELI5Music and r/MusicEd and Quora for recent questions to answer with

Search r/MusicTheory and r/Piano and r/Jazz and r/AskMusicians and r/ELI5Music and r/MusicEd and Quora for recent questions to answer with

Other subreddits might include: 

Comment on other's YouTube piano covers missing sheet music that we provide

Search Twitter like here or here and offer them a month of free lessons with offer code BANNER30