God Bless America

(Kids' Lesson) Join moderator the Incomparable Kendra and in-studio student Shadez (with a Z, so you know she's cool) as we watch Amazing Disney fireworks display to God Bless America music, feature our Points Palooza, and read mail from EvanB.


American National Anthem

(Kids' Lesson) Join moderator the Incomparable Kendra and in-studio student Neato Naomi as we watch a unlikely animal with an unsual talent, feature our World Record, and read mail from krowrox1800.


Battle Hymn Of The Republic

(Kids' Lesson) Join moderator Lizzie Tan and in-studio student Hannah Tan as we watch super cool cupboard, feature our Points Palooza: file in DB, and read mail from Wei.


Yankee Doodle

(Kids' Lesson) Join moderator Kendra Dantes and in-studio student Ephraim Jones as we watch Yankee Hands, feature our SFS Kids, and read mail from Sohie229.