We Don’t Need Mistletoe original Christmas song by Kendra Dantes

How to play "We Don’t Need Mistletoe" on piano, an original by Kendra Dantes


Here are all the notes, chords, lyrics, lead sheets and chord charts you could want to play this awesome song just like Kendra...


We Don’t Need Mistletoe is my first ever Christmas original song. I knew I wanted to write a Christmas song for the past year, but I wasn’t inspired until recently. I also knew I wanted to write a song for the ukulele because it is still a new instrument for me and I knew it would push me to practice it more. I started thinking about how Christmas is such a magical time and how our family has many special traditions that mean so much to me. I’m happy and grateful for my family and for everything I have, especially the support and love.

Click here for the chord chart lead sheet

Here's Kendra's performance:

Here's Kendra's live performance:

Lyrics for this original song:

Lyrics: Verse 1:
Come around the fireplace to celebrate this day
Celebrate the love we have knowing we will be
Rejoice in the faith of something bigger than ourselves
Warm hot chocolate in our hands to keep us warm and well
But love is all we need
In this happy family
We don't need mistletoe just to love
We don't need a million lights shining up above
We don't need a Christmas tree ornaments aglow
All we need is each other
We don't need
We don't need mistletoe
Verse 2:
Dance around holding hands to the music in our heads
Shaking those jingle bells until the night ends
But Love is all we need
in this happy family
We don't need mistletoe just to love
We don't need a million lights shining up above
We don't need a Christmas tree ornaments aglow
All we need is each other
We don't need
We don't need mistletoe
But we won't wallow in the sadness
of what we don't have
We sing our love and joy,
Of what keeps us intact
What we're grateful for is what we focus on
We have each other we have each other
together in song
We don't need mistletoe just to love
We don't need a million lights shining up above
We don't need a Christmas tree
ornaments aglow
All we need is each other
We don't need
We don't need mistletoe