...and props to go along with the song and match what Jamin and Klopol will be wearing in the lesson. (Also makes for a great recital outfit!)
Bingo Card
Each month we live-stream a game of music bingo, where students learn and review music terminology, note values, and other piano fundamentals. The winner of each round picks up an extra 1,000 points!
Arts & Crafts
...and coloring pages and fun stuff that doesn't really have to do with music or the song. Even though we try to tell him the boxes should be about music, sometimes Klopol, our mascot penguin, just likes to throw some of his favorite extra projects.
Secret Information
...a signed top secret note from Klopol uncovers hidden information about the song that only the professionals know. Shhhhh....
Printed Music
...of the featured song, at your child's level, color-coded, hole-punched and ready to add to the expanding repertoire in the custom music binder you receive in the welcome packet
Practice Tracker keep track of progress. Works well on its own or with the daily practice challenge on the website, where students can earn points by playing along with a 10-minute practice time countdown.
Includes a practice guide so students can work with the most efficient practice methods and parents can help students stay on track.
Music Activities games and flash cards to help students memorize and use important music fundamentals. An additional students-only activity will also be emailed each week. Completed projects can be posted to social media to earn additional ponits.
Even More Features:
Little Maestros is a music education revolution! More fun than traditional lessons, more well-rounded than any individual teacher, and a fraction of the price: the Kids Learn Piano Live programs are the first ever legitimate teacher replacements.
All subscriptions include these bonus features:
Siblings Included
All the siblings of the family are welcome to use the same account on the site to learn their own favorite songs as well. They can even enroll in the Klopol Piano Academy to learn all the formal training they would receive in their own one-on-one private lessons.
Unlocked Archives
The featured song of the month is just one of the weekly live streamed lessons added to the growing archives of hundreds of songs available to students 24/7.
Amazing Welcome Packet
Your first box is packed full of everything you need to get started! It includes a customized binder to organize all your future songs, membership card, piano note stickers, tons of projects and crafts, several easy songs to get started and much, much, much more!
Klopol Piano Academy
...the only formal, standards-based online piano certification program. We have taken the best parts from each of the best standardized programs from around the world and added composition, jazz, and improvisation to create this one, world-class 12-part course.
Custom Courses
The Musipedia is the most direct path for people who already know what they want to learn. Just pick the topics you want to learn and take the course that takes you to your goals.
Personalized Feedback
With Kids Learn Piano Live, every student gets individual attention from Jamin, not only in the live lessons through the chat, but by submitting videos to earn points or to progress through the optional (and included) Klopol Piano Academy, students receive individual feedback on their playing to insure they are progressing appropriately and avoiding any potential bad habits.
Downloadable Media
Every lesson includes a multi-speed play along track for all levels and a downloadable, interactive, printable PDF of with sheet music and instructions for any level learner.
Performance Oppotrunities
Students can post videos of their work, be featured in the live broadcast and virtually perform in real, live recitals from anywhere in the world!
Parent Learning
Not only can parents learn right along with their child, but upon request, can also have access to the adults' portion of the website, which includes hundreds of lessons specifically tailored to older learners.
Learn At Any Level
Every lesson is taught with at least 6 different levels, so anyone from an absolute beginner to a trained professional can find a version that is attainable and a version that is a bit of a challenge.